Archive for January, 2011|Monthly archive page

Winter News

February Meeting Date Changed
We are meeting on February 7th at 7:00 pm in the Media Center.  Please look and see if you can join us!

Hospitality Help Needed

  • Hospitality Vice Chair
    Seeking 1 person to work with our highly energized and organized chair, Christine Daugherty.  This person would serve as the point of contact for volunteers helping with mailbox treats, MSA treats, and teacher appreciation week and perhaps another event.  Contact Linda Dombrowski or Christine Daughtery
  • Specific Hospitality Event
    MSA teacher snack treats- 1 or 2 helpers to provide grab-n-go snacks for teachers during lengthy MSA testing.  Responsibilities include purchase and placement in teachers’ lounge.  Specific snacks include apples, trail mix, donuts, and cookies.  Contact Christine Daugherty at
  • February Conference Meal
    Food, drinks, paper products will be needed along with set up and clean up helpers to serve staff a luncheon between day and evening conferences.  Able to lend a hand?  Contact Christine Daugherty at .

February Book Drive- Can you help?
PMS PTA is participating in a county-wide Book Drive.  New and gently used books at all reading levels will be collected and given to children in need in Howard County.  Helpers are needed to work with Ms. Aubin and students earning their service learning hours.  Without 4 volunteers to do the jobs below, we will be unable to do the Book Drive.

2 Book sorters– sort books by reading level

1 coordinator– contact PTA Council to inform them of the number of books at what reading levels have been collected

1 deliverer– deliver books to recipient schools who will then give to needy children

If interested, email Linda Dombrowski at by February 7th.

Tissues for Stuffy and Runny Noses
PMS PTA has provided another $500 worth of tissues to the school just last week.  Thanks to Christine Taylor for making two runs to get them!  Tissues will be given to all teachers for their classrooms.  While this is a lot of tissues, the kids are going through them quite quickly.  Donated tissues are always welcomed if you would like to send some in!

Teacher Classroom Supply Assistance
PTA has begun reimbursing teachers and para-educators for classroom related materials and supplies.  We will allow $25 per teacher and $10 per para-educator for more than $1,500 in total reimbursement.  Thank you parents for your generous support of our donation program which funds this program along with many others.

How else can you help PTA?
PTA is in need of leaders for the 2011-2012 school year.   Allison Anderson, Laura Munns, Carmen Young and Terri Slusser (Current HSES Parents!—thanks for helping out) are working together to contact folks to fill these vacant positions (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary).  Our PTA programs like the ones mentioned in this email can only continue if some folks come forward to lead PTA.  Look for more information in the coming weeks or contact Allison Anderson if you are interested.

Save the Date!  Chic-fil-a Spirit Night, March 22nd
Save the date on your calendar for another Patapsco Spirit Night at the Chic-fil-a on Rt. 100 and Executive Center Drive.  Join your neighbors and your friends for fun and food.  20% of the night’s sales will be donated to our PTA.  We hope to see you there.

Harbin Farms Christmas Trees
Our PTA has received a $90 donation from Harbin Farms’ Christmas Tree Sale.  Thanks to the folks who purchased a tree and mentioned Patapsco.  A portion of your sale was donated to the PTA.

A final note of thanks!
Our Patapsco families have truly shown their appreciation and support of our PTA and its programs.  We have seen a large increase in PTA membership and have concluded a very successful direct donation campaign.

We surpassed our membership goal of 340 and now stand at 420 members with 62 (100%) of Patapsco instructional staff included.  This is a wonderful thing to see as membership had been declining for several years.

A sincere thank you goes to all those friends and families, some from out of town, who together donated more than $4,000 for our programs.  Donation receipts for the 2010 tax year have been emailed or sent home with students.  If you haven’t received a receipt, email Linda Dombrowski at .

We are very fortunate to be part of such a supportive and involved community!  Thank you for being part of PTA.

Linda Dombrowski, President


PTA Meeting Change

Our meeting has been changed from 2/14 to 2/7 in the media center at 7 pm.  Thanks in advance to all who can make it.  Please share with anyone else who might be interested.